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The DRSNews
July 2004

By Subscription Only
Published by Dave’s Repair Service, All Rights Reserved
You are encouraged to forward this newsletter to friends! 

In this issue:

1) Filter Your Computer's Air with AC Foam
2) Things That go 'Squeak' in the Night - Refrigerator Hinges

(I'm still looking for *your* testimonial to post on my website, and I'll BRIBE you for it! <grin> Visit: 

1) Just found a neat way to use some of those scrap pieces of air conditioner filter foam that you always end up with when trimming a 'universal' window AC filter to fit. 

Hot-glue one over the air intake on your computer, and it'll keep a lot of dust out of the cabinet. About once/year, I pull the case off our machines and clean the inside with compressed air. It's amazing how much dust gets pulled in there by the cooling fans.  Especially in the computers that live in the shop, with all kinds of sawdust and debris flying around from time to time. I'm anxious to see how much improvement this makes, and will keep you posted. Try it!

By the way, for a quick and easy way to cut these filters, see the June 2003 issue: 

2) Last month's issue included your annual 'reminder' about refrigerator door seal lubrication, and this past week I've seen several door hinge and closer cam failures. So I get the impression I'm supposed to write about this problem. Also want to send a 'thanks!' to Elliott R. for suggesting this subject. 

While we have the petroleum jelly out to lube the seals, it's a good idea to go the extra 'mile' and hit the hinges too. Especially if your doors have those plastic closer cams on the bottom. Most side by sides use these, and breakage is a common problem, usually on the fresh food side (more frequent door openings).

This may sound tough, but it really isn't. And you'll get some improvement by simply oiling the hinges, without pulling the doors. 

(Please, No WD-40!) I use a little needle oiler bottle to make quick work of this. Very handy for oiling lots of things. 

But to do the best job, pull the doors and lube the hinges/cams with Vaseline®. It does a better, longer lasting job of it. Unloading all the food from the door shelves isn't necessary in most cases, but does make it a bit easier to handle the doors.

On some units, if there's enough vertical hinge 'play' to just raise the door 1/8 inch or so, it's easy to work some grease into this gap with a small screwdriver. Saves pulling the doors if it's possible on yours.

To remove top-freezer doors, loosen the top hinge screws first. Some of these are hidden under a decorative trim cap that usually pries off using a putty knife, while others are held on with a single screw.

In most cases, you won't have to remove the hinge screws, but can just loosen them enough to raise the hinge so the pin clears the door's socket. Once the top door's lifted off, the center pin or hinge can be removed and the lower door pulled. Just apply a 'dab' of grease to the bottom hinge pin/cam, put the door back on its pin and close it. Lube its upper pin and reassemble the center pin/hinge.

With side by sides, the procedure's not much different, but there are a couple of things to be aware of. If yours has a water/ice dispenser, there will be wires and a water tube going into the freezer door, usually through the hollow hinge pin. You may not have to remove or unplug these to work a little grease into the hinge, but can probably get it done without pulling the SxS doors completely off, by just raising the doors enough.

The downside to doing this job is not being able to hear when your teenagers are making a 'midnight raid', but that's something we'll leave for another issue.


Thanks for allowing me into your inbox again this month. If you have any topics you’d like to see discussed in an online article, let me know and I’ll do my best to oblige. 

And don't forget those testimonials! Thanks to those of you who've already sent yours in! I'm posting them just as fast as I can!

May God richly bless you & yours!


Dave Harnish
Dave’s Repair Service
New Albany, PA

‘Yesterday is History, Tomorrow a Mystery; 
Today is a Gift - That's Why We Call it The Present’ 

Psalm 118:24


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This newsletter may be reprinted and distributed freely only 
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